Conference Program

0730 - 0755 Registration / Continental Breakfast

0800 - 0815 Opening Remarks Nancy Enns & Virginia Wheeler

0815 - 0835 Calgary Zone Urgent Care Centres: An Update & Future Directions
Charles Wong

A short primer on what UCCs in the Calgary Zone have been doing over the last several years, including a description of patient types, operational metrics ad the future direction of the UCCs, especially as they pertain to the overall acute care health system.

0835-0910 Bloody Mess: First Steps for Managing Acute GI Bleeds
Mike Gozdzik

An approach to initial assessment of undifferentiated GI bleeds, risk stratifying patients and review of initial management steps in preparation for GI consultation.


1010 - 1025 Refreshment Break

1030 - 1125 MORNING WORKSHOP SESSIONS (repeat from 0915)

1130 - 1225 Pediatric Trauma Pearls & Pitfalls
Bill Sevcik

A survival guide in managing acute pediatric trauma, focusing on key management principles while avoiding dangerous pitfalls.

1230 - 1320 Lunch


1420 - 1515 AFTERNOON WORKSHOP SESSIONS (repeat from 1320)

1515 - 1525 Refreshment Break

1530 - 1625 Supporting Patients with Substance Use Disorders: How Can We Help?
Alex Kennedy

An overview of opioid agonist therapy, alcohol withdrawal and high yield addiction resources. We will review insights from the new 2023 opioid use disorder and high risk drinking guidelines.

1630 - 1635 Closing Remarks Nancy Enns & Virginia Wheeler

1640 - 1800 Reception & Networking Session

Wine and Cheese! Meet and greet with members of the urgent care community, including physicians, nurses, residents, and students. Prospective urgent care physicians (current residents and practicing physicians) will have the opportunity to meet with the Medical Director(s) of the UCCs, express their interest, and learn about upcoming opportunities.

Workshop Sessions

  • Workshop sessions have been identified as designed for physicians/NPs or RNs/LPNs or both (multidisciplinary)

  • Although the workshops will focus on the needs of the identified health professionals, other disciplines are welcome to attend

Morning Sessions 

Another Life Saved! It’s SIM time


Marc Boutet, Nancy Enns, Connor Hass, Liam Montgomery, Cherie Serieska, Anthony Seto

Two simulation cases (one in the morning, another in the afternoon) that offer stuff that's good to review, a bit of something new, scenarios that could occur but only a few, and a chance to exercise your mind and teamwork skills as a crew.

The Last Gasp (Chest Tubes and Airway Emergencies)


Stan Mayer, Tyson Warner, Ian Wishart

This session will provide hands on practice with needle decompression and the insertion of chest tubes and pig tails. Hands‐on stations focusing on common challenges of airway management, including assessment (regular vs difficult), the use of airway adjuncts and techniques to deal with airway emergencies.

Vertigo Masterclass


Sean Fair

A session for physicians to change their mind about this complaint! We'll cover the common BPPV types and treatment, and a modern, straightforward approach to identifying central causes.

The Stuff of Nightmares: The Unstable Child in Your Resuscitation Room


Bill Sevcik

Review important pediatric emergencies that might present to your Urgent Care Centre and discuss pragmatic and important key management principles in stabilization of these patients prior to transport to definitive care.

From Tears to Cheers: Supporting Pediatric Patient Comfort


Izabela Brenneis

A session for nurses about approaching the pediatric patient and alleviating anxiety during medical procedures. Also addresses staff anxiety when dealing with pediatric patients.

Approach to Diarrhea and IBD Assessment


Mike Gozdzik

A practical approach for work-up and management for diarrhea with an additional focus on approaching IBD flares.

Calculation of Kid Meds, When It Really Counts

RNs / LPNs

Connie Abrey, Pam VandenBiggelaar

A hands-on review of Pediatric precalculated medication sheets. Utilizing resources in high stress, high acuity pediatric emergencies.

Trauma Skills - Without Them It Kills

RNs / LPNs

Mandy Blacklock, Sara Philips

A hands on opportunity for nurses to practice the skills needed to stop bleeding in trauma. Hemorrhage is the number one early causes of death in trauma and is often mismanaged. What can you do at your site to help control the bleeding?

See It, Stick It: Mastering POCUS IV’s

RNs / LPNs

Mohammed El Bialy, Meagan Sacco

Tricky IVs are a thing of the past. Join us for a small session on how to use an ultrasound to find the perfect vein and start it every time.

Afternoon Sessions 

Another Life Saved! It’s SIM time


Marc Boutet, Nancy Enns, Connor Hass, Liam Montgomery, Cherie Serieska, Anthony Seto

Two simulation cases (one in the morning, another in the afternoon) that offer stuff that's good to review, a bit of something new, scenarios that could occur but only a few, and a chance to exercise your mind and teamwork skills as a crew.

Hand & Wrist Injuries


Kate Elzinga

A session for physicians about common hand and wrist injuries seen in urgent care. Approach to physical examination, imaging, management, and follow-up planning

Doc, is This Going to Hurt?


Gavin Burgess, Jonathan Wallace

A session for physicians and nurse practitioners covering adult and pediatric procedural sedation including, case-based common scenarios with common pitfalls and tips for smoother procedural sedations.

Managing Gynecological Emergencies in Urgent Care Settings


Michelle Hart

A session for physicians about recognizing and managing the most common gynecological emergencies in the urgent care. A wide range of presentations and practical cases will be addressed, with a focus on interdisciplinary collaboration.

GAS is Fast and Furious


Alejandra Ugarte-Torres

A session for physicians about the rising rates of invasive group A streptococcus and clinical presentations.

Universal Screening: Identifying & Supporting Patients of Domestic & Sexual Violence


Lisa Bell, Nicole Smith

A session for frontline medical professionals about how to identify and help support patients who disclose domestic and sexual violence.

Advanced Airway Management for Nurses

RNs / LPNs

Melissa Eastly

In this hands on skills station your patient is rapidly declining and the physician has just said the words "we need to intubate". If this phrase makes you uncomfortable, this session may be able to help! We will discuss and practice techniques to prepare for intubation and go through how to set up from them.

RSI for Nurses: The Not So ‘Rapid’ Induction & Intubation Process

RNs / LPNs

Leanna Norenna

RSI is a critical process and should be considered a team sport. Important that all members are knowledgeable of the foundation of what is about to occur. We will look at when to RSI and when to not. The 7P’s of RSI, and the drugs to you should expect as well as what to do once you have the tube.

H.E.L.P. How to Evaluate, Learn & Plan for Safety in Urgent Care

RNs / LPNs

Shauna Champagne

A session looking at violence in the Urgent Care Center and how to plan for your safety and mitigate violence and it's effects on your practice and workplace.